The Smart Plant Pot was created for the semester project for my mechatronics class. The team consisted of myself and one partner. During the pandemic, many people acquired house plants to make their environment more enjoyable but any owners find themselves forgetting to care for the plant. The Smart Plant Pot was developed to monitor and respond to a plant’s needs whether it be watering, temperature control, and lighting.
The main structure consisted of the tank which would hold the water pump and the lid on which the plant will sit. The electronic components will be mounted to the outside of the tank.
To differentiate the project from others like it, the team decided to add an RFID reader. Before operation, each plant will be given an RFID tag with all the information needed to care for the plant such as its watering schedule or growing temperature. When the tag is read, the plant can be placed into its enclosure and the machine will automatically monitor the plant’s status and react accordingly.